B&W, a modern, minimal, beautiful and pretty Joomla Template. Want a lovely big homepage hero image? You’ve got it. Want a grid of your sticky posts on your homepage? You’ve got it. Want a cool and collected minimal design, with gorgeous share overlays, search overlays and a beautiful mobile experience?… then you got it.

We’ve kept things clean and simple with this one, using the Theme Customizer you can control layouts (sidebar color, site background color, sticky menu) and show and hide most of the elements of the theme.


Auf Vertrauen bauen


Wir sind befähigte Baumeister, seit 2012 zertifiziert durch die Landesinnung Bau Vorarlberg.



büro 21 - Architektur & Baumanagement
Unterziegerbergstr. 18 a
6774 Tschagguns
www.buero21.at | info@buero21.at

BM Philipp Fleisch
0664 111 06 11, philipp@buero21.at

BM Matthias Lerch
0660 643 06 09, matthias@buero21.at